Communication Strategies to Help Your Business Advance |

Communication Strategies to Help Your Business Advance

08 Jul 2022
There are numerous ways to communicate when starting a business. Communication is essential for balancing perception and meaning. Donny de Keizer was one of the speakers at the iCommunity Level Club last Thursday (30/6) on Business Communication in the New Normal Era.

Donny began his presentation by quoting Brian Tracy's statement that communication is a skill that can be learned and improved over time to become a very high quality and useful tool in all aspects of what is done, including doing business.

Furthermore, Donny explained that, while the way we communicate in the current New Normal era is changing, the habits are shifting. To keep a business running and grow it into a viable option for entrepreneurs, however, it is essential to invest time and effort into honing one's communication skills.

According to Donny de Keizer, there are six main points to consider when communicating in the current New Normal Era:
1. Trust

Building trust is difficult, as is keeping our promises with what we say. People may lose faith in us if we frequently deny what we say.

And remember to be prompt for scheduled appointments. This is also an important point because you should never make others wait, whether they are your boss, a client, a friend, or anyone else. Because we also have to keep the promise we made together. It is preferable for us to wait than for others to wait.

2. Sincerity Through the Eyes (Despite the fact that you are wearing a mask)

In the current New Normal Era, our habits are beginning to shift by incorporating health protocols into the activities we engage in, one of which is the debate over the use of masks.

Even when we wear masks, our expressions to others can be seen through our eyes. Donny explained that if we truly smile, our eyes will reflect it. Wearing a mask is not an excuse to put on a fake smile.

3. The Impact of Words "Thank you very much; what can I do for you?"

Try to always be able to help others; when we help others, we always receive something good in return. For example, developing new relationships and maintaining relationships with those we assist. This is also an important point to make because developing relationships with other people can benefit us in the future.
4. Optimize Social Media

Use social media not only for personal purposes, such as storing photo albums or uploading personal documentation, but also to build relationships.
5. Connecting with People (Networking)

Make business contacts with your partners or customers. Networking is the most important aspect of communication, but what often happens is that once we establish a new relationship or join a new group, we do not maintain the relationship (networking). Keeping in touch with your network is essential, even if it's just through the occasional WA Group chat response.
6. Personal Messages

Personal communication can be built by providing personal support, wishing them a happy birthday, or even empathizing through the stories you create. This will increase our level of closeness with our interlocutors, and imagine how many networking relationships we can build that can become business partners and help our business grow.
In addition to the six important points mentioned above, there are some things we should do before we begin communicating.

Donny stated his intended audience before initiating communication; therefore, he must ensure that his messages are directed in the most effective manner possible by conducting an Audience Mapping exercise.

Audience Mapping is a technique for determining what the client truly desires or where we will build a conversation. The things we appreciate can be excellent conversation starters because they are in line with the message we want to convey.

So, how exactly? How far have you progressed in Business Communication for your company?