TikTok is becoming a social media favorite among Indonesians. This application allows users to create short videos with additional special effects that are interesting and easy to use. This social media has succeeded in providing space for people to be creative and express themselves.
Tak hanya memerlukan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, seorang pengusaha dan sales marketing juga wajib menguasai strategi bernegosiasi. Pada dasarnya, negosiasi merupakan suatu cara untuk mencapai suatu kesepakatan melalui diskusi. Dalam dunia pemasaran, negosiasi merujuk pada kegiatan tawar-menawar mengenai kesepakatan kerja sama ataupun penjualan produk barang dan jasa.
Build a business or become an employee? When people are given both options, people tend to think that being an employee does not require business capital, but it depends on how you look at it. Building a business with 2 million capital for a 1 billion restaurant? Not possible
TikTok Shop is a social commerce feature, which provides opportunities for brands to sell through the distribution of short video content and live shopping features. This live shopping can be carried out through each business's TikTok account, or in collaboration with creators. Interestingly, TikTok Shop also provides training and education facilities entitled TikTok Shop Seller Conference
The Digital Transformation Era is a process and strategy of applying technology in all activities that were originally conventional to digital. This change is certainly unavoidable, because the development of technology is currently growing rapidly, where the addition of digital to all aspects of life makes activities faster.
Networking is defined as a person's interaction with other humans that is intended to support each other's benefits, with the result that a network or relationship is formed because they feel mutually benefited. Although it is closely related to the luck of relationship sources, good networking is primarily characterized by a willingness to share and care. We need to share our experiences as a form of caring that can be a lesson we may not have experienced but others have. We can learn specific situations and avoid making the same mistake by doing so.
Humans, as social beings, demonstrate that they cannot survive alone, but require the involvement of others, whether family or those around them. Humans will form social activities that are supported by communication. Everyone communicates with one another.
Investment is the activity of putting money or capital into a company or project in order to make a profit. From this investment activity, it can be seen that investment pays attention to the time period and objects used to generate profits. Investment activities in our country are commonly referred to as investments in the form of company shares traded on the Indonesian stock exchange. This time, however, we will discuss gold and other precious metals as an investment alternative.
In today's highly interactive digital age, content is the single most important factor in establishing and maintaining a robust and expanding online presence across all digital platforms. Given the existence of digitalization and social media, content will provide the image or identity of the social media platform itself. Individuals, a product brand, or an official institution can all be imaged on social media. However, content is the key to boosting social media engagement.
Networking is the best way to find business partners because it involves developing mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses. iCommunity is a startup community platform that connects business owners and professionals to collaborate on a national and international scale. This business community was only established in February 2022. This community currently has hundreds of members, a total of 67 business references, and a total of 248 million rupiahs in business transactions.